פרסומי חברי המרכז לשנת 2018

David, D., Zoizner, G., & Werner, P. (2018). Self-Stigma and Age-Related Hearing Loss: A Qualitative Study of Stigma Formation and Dimensions. American journal of audiology27(1), 126-136.
Palgi, Y., Avidor, S., Shrira, A., Bodner, E., Ben-Ezra, M., Zaslavsky, O., & Hoffman, Y. (2018). Perception counts: The moderating role of Inner perspective of trauma on PTSD symptoms across time. Psychiatry: Interpersonal and Biological Processes, 1-15.

Shrira, A., Palgi, Y., Hoffman, Y., Avidor, S., Bodner, E., Ben-Ezra, M., & Bensimon, M. (2018). Subjective age moderates the reciprocal effects between posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and physical functioning. Frontiers in Psychology,9.